Work on the £72m Bridgewater Wharf site started back in 2018 but came to a halt at the demolition phase.
Main contractor Beaumont Morgan restarted work in 2020 but the firm went into administration in 2022 owing £12.3m – including £7m to unsecured creditors in the supply chain.

The job was taken over by M3 Build which shared some of the same directors as Beaumont Morgan.
Companies House records show most of the directors of M3 Build resigned earlier this month.
The original developer of the site was Fortis Developments which also had some of the same directors as M3 Build.

Fortis went into liquidation in June with debts of £19m including £5m owed to HMRC.
One former subcontractor on the scheme said: “People are wary of working on the job or supplying material because of its history.”