Up to 3,000 new homes are set to be built at Ashton Green, near Beaumont Leys, as part of a housing-led mixed use development scheme led by Leicester City Council.
Now the city council is inviting developers and house-builders to bid for the next phases of residential development, which would see up to 525 new homes built on 55 acres of allocated land.
This will represent the fourth phase of housing development at Ashton Green.
The first phase saw 100 houses built by Morris Homes in 2020. A second phase is now under construction, with 130 of the 307 new houses being built by Tilia Homes now complete and occupied.
A third phase of house building is expected to get under way next year and would see 440 units built by Morris Homes.
It is likely the successful bidder for the fourth phase of residential development will begin construction work by late 2026.

Leicester mayor Peter Soulsby said: “Ashton Green is an essential part of the city’s commitment to meeting the growing and urgent need for new homes in Leicester over the next 10 to 15 years, and it will make huge contribution to local economic growth.
“This is an extremely ambitious and complex project and I proud that we are now ready to enter a next phase of development, which will see more than 500 additional new homes built. This would help bring the total number of new homes built or in the process of being built at Ashton Green close to 1,400.”
Leicester City Council is the principal landowner and promoter of the Ashton Green development, which is a mixed-use urban extension on a 320-acre greenfield site to the north of Leicester. Around 13-acres of land allocated for the Ashton Green development is owned by Diocese of Leicester.
Interested parties can find out more about the tender process at www.visitleicester.info/invest/sites-properties/ashton-green
The closing date for submission of bids to tender is Friday 13th December 2024.
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