On occasion, we find something in a house that operates upon the notion of antigravity technology. However, gravity is an actual thing. I’ve read about it. The bags under my eyes are likely proof of it.
Below is a photo of what a staircase is NOT supposed to look like. If you’re in the industry, I’m sure you’re eyes are popping out of your head right now and “WTF” is ping-ponging around in your brain as you look for any indication of true structural support. Good luck finding it!
Upon discovery, we took measures to make sure that our client got another century or two out of the second story (see second pic). And while I’m all for empowering homeowners to do it themselves from time to time, knocking out a wall and saying, “It seems to be holding just fine,” is almost always a bad idea.
An example of “NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!”
An example of “Let me fix that for you!”